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Menopause staying active and healthy over 40s #menopause

Sue Faraone

We all need a bit of support sometimes. It’s great if you have a family that motivates and encourages you to keep you active and happy which is especially needed when the weather gets so much colder and the darker evenings, this is when it’s easier to allow yourself to just stay in the warm. Also having friends and a good network of like-minded people around you can help to give you the strength and motivation to get your workouts done when you need it, but don’t be afraid to go solo with your training either, I have found sometimes these are the most beneficial and rewarding sessions where you feel you’ve met your personal bests and you can be more mindful when you train alone.

Staying in shape has been of utmost importance to me, probably since my late 30s I have been super conscious about this, working hard at staying fit and healthy, l have tried all types of activities, meeting new friends along the way too and l often get active with old friends walking, cycling, swimming and much more. lt doesn't always go to plan though last week l picked up an injury where l smashed my shoulder from a bike fall on the tarmac, hiccups do happen but, if l keep it moving it will heal so much quicker. lt hasn't stopped me exercising but l have had to be super motivated, staying positive and working through the pain threshold l just have to be careful and keep mobilised its healing it just takes time.

I've started this year off making new habits for myself, getting into habit-forming ways can help with wellness, exercise, nutrition and any area you want to improve on. Decide on a ten- minute habit that you can do every day for at least a couple of weeks, let us look at an example. Let us say a habit to improve your nutrient uptake, so it could go like this, make a nice smoothie with fresh fruit, veg and some kefir, or take those supplements that you keep forgetting to have, or prep some nice wholesome food ready for your lunch tomorrow, it gets easier each day to do these little habits and they just become normal and you will start to do them without having to think about them too much, making life easier and more rewarding. Set yourself some goals to work towards, make a plan for achieving them make time for yourself.

A few keys to staying youthful through the menopause are dealing with the stresses in your life, looking after your mental health and recognising when to get help, exercising and keeping active, creating new habits and having a positive mindset, you need to be sleeping well get at least 7 hours minimum a night, have a regular sleeping pattern, learn to meditate if you don't already, eat good wholesome food, and make sure you stay hydrated drink water ( this is one of my habits as l forget to drink especially water and l end up with a migraine).

Make some time for you and your emotional needs our bodies are changing through the menopause so its time to take more care of yourself give yourself a little more time instead of everyone else, treat yourself, go out with a friend, have a nap, pamper yourself, time for you especially now so it is important for you to meet your needs.

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River Dover

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